when can you sue for police misconduct police abuse civil rights lawyers in charleston greenville walhalla walterboro SC

When Can You Sue for Police Misconduct in SC?

Police misconduct is more common than you may think, and often goes unreported and unaddressed.  Why?  Because victims of police misconduct are often fearful of the consequences if they complain or fight back. Because police officers know that their supervisors and their departments will get behind them in all but the most egregious of cases. ...

what is qualified immunity civil rights lawyers in charleston sc

What is Qualified Immunity and How Can it Affect Your Case? 

What is qualified immunity?  In 2020, in the aftermath of George Floyd’s killing and the protests that followed, there was much discussion about the doctrine of qualified immunity and how it 1) emboldened police to commit civil rights violations and 2) allowed police to avoid any consequences for their violations.  Lately, I haven’t heard much ...


What is Ketamine and Why are Police Using It as a Chemical Restraint?

Nationwide, EMS personnel have taken to using ketamine, a controlled substance often used as a horse tranquilizer, on suspects as support for law enforcement during police calls.  The use of ketamine during police calls gained national attention in 2020 when Elijah McClain – a massage therapist who sometimes played violin for stray cats - was ...

wrongful arrrest lawsuits for shoplifting charleston sc civil rights lawyers

Wrongful Arrest Lawsuits for Shoplifting Charges

If you have been arrested – wrongfully – for shoplifting, can you sue the police department? The store that caused your arrest?  In some cases, you may have a wrongful arrest lawsuit if you were charged with shoplifting without probable cause. Below, we will go over the basics of wrongful arrest lawsuits for shoplifting in ...


Arrested for Cursing at a Cop – Do You Have a Civil Rights Claim?

Can you be arrested for cursing at a cop? What about using profanity in public, criticizing a police officer, or flipping someone off? If you are arrested for expressing your opinion – whether it involved using profanity, flipping off a police officer, or complaining about how a cop is doing their job, you may have ...


K-9 Police Dogs – Acceptable Uses and Police Liability

If you are attacked or bitten by a K-9 police dog, is the officer or police department liable for damages? They might be – although SC law provides limited immunity for the actions of police dogs acting in their law enforcement capacity, the dog handler and their agency must comply with the requirements of SC ...


What’s the Difference Between the SC State Tort Claims Act and 42 USC § 1983?

What’s the difference between the SC State Tort Claims Act (SCSTCA) and 42 USC § 1983?  If you want to sue the government for anything – police misconduct, false arrest, breach of a contract, or even a car crash with a government vehicle – you must file suit under a statute or theory that gives ...